Tag Archives: pangaea


Oo a lot to take in.

Pangaea II: New Art from Africa and Latin America.

The Revenge of New Art from Africa and Latin America.

I preferred the original.



Anyway a lot to take in.

Camil: Some words: Vases

Herrera: Some words: Splodges, colours, good

Imbache: Some words: Trees, delicate, very good.

Solomon: Some words: Alone.

Berliner: Some words: Nah.

Cervantes: Some words: “Why is it SO big??”

Kamuanga: Some words: Squares, hmm, new, old.

Adebe: Some words: Yes.

Kanbouhi: Some words: Nah.

Da Cunha: Some words: Hats, tires

Ospina: Some words: Tired, now, the Internet.

There was some other stuff with lines.


Martin xx


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