Tag Archives: saatchi gallery


There was a lot going on #champagnelife @saatchi_gallery.


Some words: Goats, Minnie Mouse, Sweden, the elderly, cows, body builders, terrorists, pots and pans, dead horses, undead people and a cockatoo.


I mean, that’s essentially it but you should still go because it’s very good.


Especially the huge pictures of the old ladies.


‘An emptying of images of all meaning.’

Or a ‘powerful statement about our contemporary image culture.’

Nicked that from the guide book. 

4 Colin Stars


Martin x


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Oo a lot to take in.

Pangaea II: New Art from Africa and Latin America.

The Revenge of New Art from Africa and Latin America.

I preferred the original.



Anyway a lot to take in.

Camil: Some words: Vases

Herrera: Some words: Splodges, colours, good

Imbache: Some words: Trees, delicate, very good.

Solomon: Some words: Alone.

Berliner: Some words: Nah.

Cervantes: Some words: “Why is it SO big??”

Kamuanga: Some words: Squares, hmm, new, old.

Adebe: Some words: Yes.

Kanbouhi: Some words: Nah.

Da Cunha: Some words: Hats, tires

Ospina: Some words: Tired, now, the Internet.

There was some other stuff with lines.


Martin xx


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Thank god for the Saatchi Gallery.
It decided to be open.
So I can get my culture.
It is pop art.
Is is from East and West.
It is good.
Some words: bunnies, Lenin, rudeness, toilets, Jesus, Mc Donald’s, shapes, Islam.
The holidays are over now.


Martin x


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Some galleries are like theme parks.

The Saatchi Gallery has so much stuff and so much of it huge stuff its a bit like that Mr Brainwash thing.

Ok its better than that.

Its all Korean.

But thats like an enormous theme.

Maybe we're trying to say less is more.

Has anyone told my master?





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