Tag Archives: sergio fermariello


We actually like rainy days and Thursdays.

Writing, radio and Question Time.

Anyway… one of the nice things about galleries is they cluster together for warmth and if its a rainy June day (its June people! June!! And the weathers shit!!!) you can cluster IN them for warmth…

So we went to one and then one rolled into two into three….

Dering Street off Oxford Street is the place to be if your a cool urban sophiticate Staffordshire Bull Terrier on a blog packed halfterm…

Anyway… The one we set off for was ‘Blain Southern.

The exhibition was called ‘Exit from the House of Being.’

Which sounds like a lovely idea.

Our House of Being has shattered glass over the floor but i digress…

Michael Shoo is the artist…

They say: “sculptural works which suggest that space and being are fluid concepts in a constantly shifting state of existence.”

We say… some words: no cock, no fanny, no boobs, blue melting antlers, mirrors, velvet ropes, shields, riots, splattered paint, subversion, upside down, hot assistant…

Which brings us on to something…

We @thedogwhatblogs are endlessly fascinated and endlessly in love with these people…

What are they doing? What is their job? They perch serenely behind apple products looking very aloof and attractive without appearing to do anything.

Anywho… we rock and rolled on to Sergio Fermariello at Ronchini Gallery which was lots of repeated calligraphic images of soldiers which was okay in a cool way.

Before sashaying a couple of doors along to Annely Juda’s ‘Prunella Clough’ exhibition which we really really liked…. cubist blobs and partly formed animals… Nice smiley cheerful fuzzyfelty cute art. The colours and the shapes. Tick..?




…one day il us a full stop rather than an elipse…

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