Tag Archives: coca cola


Hypothesis: noone likes sprouts and everyone likes coke. Discuss.


Pile it on. Pile on the schmultz. Come on pile it on.

Actually a seriously quality museum affordably priced.

They can have that quote. In return for free coke.

@worldofcoke #atlanta #georgia.

You see its like a tennerish and theres a good three hours interesting stuff.

Then you can be tired and feel like youve done something and go to a more scary than expected mc donalds.

4D cinemas are cool. The fourth d is a gentle spray and a wobbly seat.

Whats q incredible is a big room where u get to try 50 odd coke products from around the world.

Glory be.

So thats ten pounds, free coke, redefining the dimensional laws of physics and a feeling of 'cool.'


Now wheres my coke, Coke?

Martin x


At least stars burn out brightly


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