Tag Archives: books for free


Today me and the boy wonder drifted through our fine capital on a tidal wave of cruxifying depression.

First we drifted to books for free.

Books are normally calming. Free is normally calming.

We needed more calming.

On the way home our cruxifying depression wave came to rest at the shores (this metaphore has no future) of the Haunch of Venison.

It used to be in that wondrous place off regent st but now its a bit less glam on New Bond St.

But still wondrous for the soul.

The boy wonder basically likes big colourful shapes and that is what he got.

Listen to this! Its interesting… You know fontana guides? To artists, philosophers and what not… Well… Some were not published and Jamie Shovlin has created covers for them using a possibly spurious system based on facts such as word counts and… Whether they were a nobel prize winner.

Im sometimes not the best at describing how wondrous things are.

We love art related to human being attempts to create order in the cruxifyingly depressing randomness of life.

We love colour wheels and keys and eavesdropping on art conversations.

See goetherocks.blogspot.co.uk

Anyway It reminded us of Boetti @Tate and his random categorising ofvthe uncategorisable.

Anyway big brightly coloured book covers…. Go.

Its free.



Haunch of venison


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Hello there.

Today i am telling you about bookcrossing.

Remember when I told you about free book shops and you couldnt control your excitement?

Well its like that only about 25% more thrilling.

Mildly tediously you register finished books on tinternet and then “set them free” as if they were wild animals or children. This means a) leaving them somewhere b) giving them to someone c) bringing them to a meetup.

Our old friend meetup.com again.

You also then register the ones u acquire.

Im not really selling it.

Bookswapping really but following their journey.

Im going off the idea describing it.

Its cool. Honest.






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