“I think therefore I am” said Descartes.

“I think you should take me for a walk” said Harley.

We’ve eulagised (…oh yes….) before on community groups and how wonderful little discussions and activities crop up all over your town. And meetup helps u find them.

Look it’s not my fault if you don’t live in London…. you get affordable property.

This evening we went to a philosophy group.

It was about Berkeley. Who was a bishop come philosopher.

Oo thats interesting isnt it.

You can read about him by clicking here.

What was most interesting is a crowd of 30ish on a sultry football evening.

And folk can banter about the meaning of life quite pleasantly.

Constantly scanning, constantly searching, constantly interested, constantly wanting… we like to skim and then dive.

We’re like a living, breathing, four legged OUP Very Short Introduction. Which cropped up.

We like very short.

Even the big beast of conversational metatopics (oh yeeaahh i said meta) Facebook reared its evil head.

With which we had a very long introduction.

Clean your timeline, kids its life shatteringly therapeutic.

We havn’t forgotten reading. Next…

